


Disaster Management GTU SEM5

 Hello, my friends. Hope all of you are safe at home and taking proper precautions and getting vaccinated. 

As all the intermediate semesters got the merit-based promotion you all get promoted to the next semesters and some of you may have started purchasing books from markets but if you don't want to go outside you can have soft copies of your books. 

Here we have brought you a pdf book for sem5 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING,  of" DISASTER MANAGEMENT". As well as all other subjects pdfs.



  “Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities  for dealing  with all  humanitarian  aspects of emergences, in particular preparedness,  response  and  recovery  in  order to lessen  the impact of  disasters”.

   The  United  Nations  defines  a  disaster  as  a  serious  disruption  of  the  functioning  of  a community or  a society.

   Disasters  involve  widespread  human,  material,  economic  or  environmental  impacts, which  exceed  the  ability  of  the  affected  community  or  society  to  cope  using  its  own resources. 

  The  World  Health  Organization  defines  Disaster  as  “any  occurrence  that  causes damage,  ecological  disruption,  loss  of  human  life,  deterioration  of  health  and  health services,  on  a  scale  sufficient  to  warrant  an  extraordinary  response  from  outside  the affected  community or  area”. 

Aims of  Disaster Management

   The aims of  Disaster Management  are:

   To reduce the potential losses  from  hazards (avoid,  if possible).

   To assure prompt and  appropriate assistance to victims when necessary. 

  To achieve rapid and  durable recovery. Importance of  Disaster Management

   Over past 20 years disasters  have  affected  4.4  billion  people,  caused $2  trillion  of  damage and  killed  1.3  million people. 

  These  losses  have  outstripped  the  total  value  of  official  development  assistance  in  the same period. 

  Natural disasters disproportionately affect people living in developing countries and the most vulnerable communities within those countries.

   At the global level,  there has been considerable concern over natural disasters. 

  Even  as  scientific  and  material  progress is  made,  the  loss  of  lives  and  property  due  to disasters has not  decision.

   India has  been  traditionally  vulnerable  to  natural  disasters  on  account  of  its  unique  geoclimate  conditions. 

  Floods, droughts,  cyclones,  earthquakes  and  landslides have  been  recurrent  phenomena. 

Role of Engineers in Disaster Management(USEFUL IN GROUP DISCUSSION)

1.Engineers are the boon to the society. They can either make or break a society. They are the ones who can turn our vision into reality. Engineers can design and develop products, they can pave new ways to reach people everyone around the world, they can invent almost anything they want to and their role in disaster affected regions is huge. They should come up with solutions that are free because people won't be able to afford in such times of disaster. Engineers working in the corporate sector should volunteer in those disaster affected regions as part of their social responsibility and come to their relief. Implementing various tools they can come up with solutions that would rather prevent such disasters from happening in the near future.

2.Engineers play a vital role in disaster management.
As you know engineers working at weather forecasting centers inform us about the movement of natural calamities. They are providing necessary information after that government bodies take required actions in order to avoid the disaster upto a maximum possible extent.
Engineers are also the key people after the disaster because after disaster a lot of damage might occur in that region which are rectified by the engineers like electricity problem by electrical engineer and railways track by mechanical engineer and construction works by civil engineer and so many things.
Hence Engineers are the persons who make it possible for the people to live a healthy lifestyle after the disaster also.

3.Engineer are very important for our society and also for everyone. They covert their imagination in to reality. Today what we are achieve somewhere gifted by engineer. Like we save our time by using metro train during journey it's means somewhere we have to say thanks to engineer who save our time by making metro train and we utilize that saving time for our other work. Today engineer gives us earthquake-proof building which save our life from a huge earthquake. Their vast imagine towards mankind proof their importance in society. In Kedarnath disaster, it wouldn't be possible to save people by man power. But it was engineering who not save the thousands of people but also provide them shelter in short spane of time.





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