



 Hi, engineers

I have shared here " DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS " sem 3 important topic for ECE 

Which is most imp questions.

Also useful for  EE.

Digital electronics deals with the electronic manipulation of numbers, or with the manipulation of varying quantities by means of numbers. Because it is convenient to do so, today’s digital systems deal only with the numbers ‘zero’ and ‘one’, because they can be represented easily by ‘off and ‘on’ within a circuit. This is not the limitation it might seem, for the binary system of counting can be used to represent any number that we can represent with the usual denary (0 to 9) system that we use in everyday life.

Credit -priyeshsir vidhyapith

This for 5th sem power electronics
Important question  


 Power electronics is an essential part of many devices and systems in one or more of their phases. Power electronics convert electrical energy of one type into another with different characteristics and is used to drive any device that requires an input of electric power other than that supplied by the primary power source.

However, that is just the technical explanation of engineering power electronics. As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the world, we are seeing just how important engineers are and the technology they engineer can be. From power generation to transportation and communication technologies to average kitchen appliances, power electronics and the engineers behind these electronic devices are everywhere.

This short series of articles will explore the many ways power electronics permeate our daily lives — whether you are a power engineer working to develop the newest technology in the industry or anyone who benefits from modern power technologies.


Why Power Electronics? 

Power electronics is a branch of electronics that deals with the application of electronic devices and associated components to the conversion, control, and conditioning of electric power. Power electronics converters modify the primary characteristics of electrical power: the basic form AC or DC, voltage, current, frequency, and power factor.

The control of electric power allows for the regulation of nonelectrical parameters like the intensity of lighting, the speed of a motor, the rate of an electrochemical process, or the temperature of an oven.

Power electronics systems are used in a wide range of applications and have the potential to impact any area of ​​global industrial and social activity. From cellphones to pacemakers, and utilities to automobiles, power electronics, and the engineering behind those electronics are very influential in peoples’ daily lives.

The demand for electrical energy grows in direct relation to the improvement of the quality of life. In the 21st Century, the technologies associated with the manipulation and conservation of energy sources are of vital importance to ensure a comfortable standard of living. Power electronics has a crucial role in the efficient use of electrical energy and environmental control.

Power engineering reaches sectors such as residential, industrial, commercial, medical, communications, transportation, aerospace, and military.

Some of the applications of power electronics are power conditioning, electrochemical processes, temperature and lighting control, renewables power conversion, medical applications, communications, computer industry, computer networks, electri





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