



 Hi, engineers hope all of you are safe at your home. As you know that your exams are postponed and if you don't have your "PROGRAMMING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING ( PPS)"  book then we are sharing it here with you guys.

pdf overview


A program is a list of instructions or program statements composed in such a way as to enable a computer to solve a problem. The problem to be solved is broken down into successively smaller parts. These parts should form a well-defined structure, the large complex problem at the top the small easy to handle problems at the bottom. Hence the term top-down programming.

To get a programming language to help you solve a problem, follow the steps below.

  1. State the problem in English
  2. Examine the problem and break it down into several parts.
  3. Examine the parts and refine them into smaller parts.
  4. Sketch a picture/structure plan
  5. Write the main program with references to the subprograms.
  6. Test the program.

It is important to note that the actual writing of the program is almost the last step.


1 Introduction to computer and programming: 

Introduction, Basic 

block diagram and functions of various components of a computer, 

Concepts of Hardware and software, Types of software, Compiler and 

interpreter, Concepts of Machine level, Assembly level, and high level 

programming, Flowcharts, and Algorithms

2 Fundamentals of C: 

Features of C language, the structure of C Program, 

comments, header files, data types, constants and variables, operators, 

expressions, evaluation of expressions, type conversion, precedence and 

associativity, I/O functions

3 Control structure in C: 

Simple statements, Decision-making statements, 

Looping statements, Nesting of control structures, break and continue, 

goto statement

4 Array & String: 

Concepts of the array, one and two-dimensional arrays, 

declaration and initialization of arrays, string, string storage, Built-in-

string functions

5 Functions: 

Concepts of user-defined functions, prototypes, the definition of 

function, parameters, parameter passing, calling a function, recursive 

function, Macros, Pre-processing

6 Recursion: 

Recursion, as a different way of solving problems. Example programs, such as Finding Factorial, Fibonacci series, Ackerman function, etc. Quicksort or Merge sort. 

7 Pointers: 

Basics of pointers, pointer to pointer, pointer, and array, pointer 

to the array, array to a pointer, a function returning a pointer 

8 Structure

Basics of structure, structure members, accessing structure 

members, nested structures, array of structures, structure, and functions, 

structures and pointers

9 Dynamic memory allocation:

Introduction to Dynamic memory 

allocation, malloc, calloc

10 File management:

Introduction to file management and its functions

For more books, you can search as 'FIRST YEAR ENGINEERING '👇





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